BlueGhozt 2.0 (Lite) Premium LED Controller
BlueGhozt 2.0 (Lite) Premium LED Controller
BlueGhozt is a premium smartphone-controlled LED controller. It is controlled via iOS and Android devices via Bluetooth and works with ws2811, ws2812b, SK6812, and similar (Neoprism/Neopixel) addressable LEDs. It supports both RGB and RGBW types of neopixels. Works with both 5V or 12V versions of addressable LEDs.
Screw terminals are included on the board for solder-less connections to power and other inputs. Screw terminals also now included for the output wires for adding your own choice of connectors!
This unit can come pre-wired with power converter and signal wires depending on which LED chips and functionality the customer purchases and desires. Otherwise, blank controllers are available for complete DIY applications.
Six 12v inputs, for left turn, right turn, park, brake, reverse, and show
Controls two chains of addressable LEDs up to 425 each! (350 for RGBW)
Fully configurable through Bluetooth with our iOS/Android app!
New features delivered over the air through our app updates!
Sequential turn signals
F1-style braking
Parking/running lights
Showmodes triggered via Bluetooth or EXT input
One module controls two turn signals!
Unlimited fully customizeable showmodes can be saved with our app
Adjustable turn signal timing to car’s flasher unit
Very low power drain while in operation, sleep mode when idle
Small form factor!
Includes a protective plastic housing!
Minimal experience with retrofitting, soldering, and working with LEDs/resistors recommended. Headlight/taillight in most cases must be opened to gain direct access to install LEDs. LEDs, headlights, or taillights are all sold separately.